welcome to my blog.. i hope you enjoy reading!!!!!!!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

CF wedding themed ball...

thought i would share with you a brilliant youtube video made by the photographer at the ball... obviously its from the ball but always brings back some great memories!!!!


it really is great.. check it out!!!!

Tuesday 20 September 2011


right i have decided that as well as doing the sponsored leap frog from fishponds to the suspension bridge in bristol... i will be doing it in fancy  dress!!!!!!! but here is my problem..... what do i dress up as?????

Now i know the standard response will be a frog... but how about something a bit more unusual??? all asnwers will be considered... in the mean time don't forget to sponsor us!!!!

PS - may consider a small prize for the winner with the best suggestion!!!!

Thursday 15 September 2011

The Big Breath Charity ball.... Raffle tickets!!!!

 well its that time of the year where i ask you if you would like to buy some raffle tickets!!! but before you part with your money, a little bit of background info!!!!

In October I will be attending this ball, The Big Breath Charity Ball (this time i have roped my friend Aly in in attending it with me!!) . This ball is being organised by a lovely lady called Josie Moloney and her husband Paul. Josie has Cystic Fibrosis, and in october last year she received the wonderful gift of a double lung transplant! During her recovery her and her husband have organised the Big Breath Charity Ball with half the proceeds going to the CF Trust and half going to 'Live Life then Give Life' charity. This charity supports those awaiting a transplant and those who already have had one, they also raise awareness of organ donation. Two very worthy charities!!! And don't forget Josie has organised this ball whilst recovering from a double lung transplant!!!!!!!

Now, the part where i ask you for money!!!! hee hee!!! On the night there is a raffle, and i have asked JOsie if she needs help selling tickets!!!! Now there are some amazing prizes...

>> Spacious 2 bed duplex in Palomares, Almeria Spain for 2 weeks (flights not included)
>>Mobile phone
>> Luxury paparazzi makeover and photographic session for two, including: cocktail reception, mini facial, make-over and hairstyling by leading creative stylists.
>>A haircut/wash/blow dry and makeover in West London salon.
>>Three course dinner for two and bottle of house wine at The Mitre in Holland Park, plus 2 Odeon cinema tickets
>>A magnum of champagne
>>Booze hampers
>>Vintage bottle of champagne

and many many more...

So Please Please if you feel you can  buy any please get in touch with me (message via facebook etc). Tickets are £1each....

Thank you in advance!!!!

Monday 12 September 2011

revision of previous post!!

i received some complaints about the previous post.. well one from said sister~!!!! she stated the photo i put on was rubbish so here is a better one!!!

My sisters tattoo!!!!

yes folks... my sister got a tattoo!!! i am still in shock but also very proud that she would do something so permanant!!! well done sis!!!


yes.... some crazy people are willing to get a tattoo for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust!!!! The l.ovely ladies at Angels at Holey Skin tattoo studio are holding a charity tattoo day in aid of Cystic Fibrosis.. charging £15 to £30 for 1 of 3 designs...
below are some of the designs....

although permanant.. so what!!!!!! i will be there (of course!!!) ... some photos from the day will be posted!!!!!!

Sunday 11 September 2011

Leap frog for Cystic Fibrosis!!!!!

on the 8th of october i and several others will be doing a leap frog from fishponds in bristol to the suspension bridge.. approximately 6 miles!!! and doing it by leap frog.. no mean feat!!!! the event is organised by a lovely lady Amanda Carter whose young daughter has Cystic Fibrosis, they are in the photo above. The leap frog starts at Barclays Bank in Fishponds, the same place Amanda works and they will be matching £ for £ the money raised!!! 
How can you help i hear you ask????!!! you can click on the link below and sponsor us or you can come and help out on the day by doing some leap frog!!!! or by coming and cheering us on!!!!

Special Thanks must go to Amanda for organising this mad but great event... (and for the cheeky use of the photo!!!)


Saturday 10 September 2011

CF jewellery....

below is some gorgeous jewellery... obviously CF related!!!! made by a lovely lady susie, where profits form the jewellery sale go to CF.... her website is http://www.susies-jewellery.com/    click on the Cystic Fibrosis link on the left hand side of the page...

Official photos from the wedding themed ball...

i thought i would dig out and try and upload some of the official photographs from the wedding themed ball previously mentioned!!! so here goes....

you can see all the photos on http://www.photodabek.co.uk/      look under events, and look up your photos.. its there.. password is 'ball'. 10% of the money goes to the CF Trust

Upcoming events!!!!

yes.. there are plenty that i am booked into!!!!

on the 8th October i am off to the 'Tiara's and Tashes ball in taunton. I have managed to persuade my housemate and friend fay to come along to that one!!!!

on the 21st of october one of my best friends and i will be attending the Big Breath Charity Ball. The money raised here will be split between the CF Trust and a charity called Live Life then Give Life. This charity is aimed at organ donation awareness as Josie who is organising the ball had a double lung transplant due to her CF.

Then on the 29th october my sister and i are off to the Barnes Boys Charity Ball up in Sheffield... Which means only one thing.. I had better go dress shopping!!!!

Friday 9 September 2011

London Marathon!!!!

so i seem to be doing these posts a bit backwards.. just trying to catch up!!! in may i went and cheered on the runners who were racing for the CF trust... stationed at mile 25 a group of us certainly shouted and cheered the runners on!!! and such good weather too!!!

Wedding themed cystic fibrosis charity ball!!!!

In July of this year, good friends of mine Adele and Wendy organised a wedding themed charity ball... they oth have young children with CF. I work with Adele and through work we met Wendy. The theme of the night was wedding!!! Many women wore their wedding dresses, some wore bridesmaid dresses.... The money raised was split; some went to the Bristol Childrens Hospital for a new lung function machine and the rest went to the CF Trust. No final figure yet... keep posted for that!!! It was a really really fabulous night!!! we danced, we laughed, photos aplenty were taken. The raffle prizes were plenty - i was lucky enough to win the free night hotel stay at The Aztec hotel... yay!!!! someone won the top prize of a week accomodation for up to 8 people in Barbados... below are some photos from the night, here's waiting for the next one...!!!!
sarah and adele... getting the place ready!!!

each table was named, after a child with CF or by who sponsored it... here is Daniel's
 Adele's little girl Niamh

Wendy's son Jake

Wendy and her husband Dave

Adele and Dan

wedding favours!!!

the wedding cake!!!


as you can see every detail was in keeping with the theme; a wedding cake, favours, name places etc... there was even a first dance!!! a  really really fabulous night!!!!


well well.. i have finally decided to set up a blog! i am new to this so please be patient and keep a watch out for further posts. This blog i hope will chart and help you all see what i and many others are doing to help win the fight against Cystic Fibrosis. As stated my littlest nephew daniel has CF, diagnosed when he was just under four weeks old. CF is the UK's most common life-threatening inherited disease. That right 'Life- threatening'! Each week five babies are born with Cf and two young lives are lost to this disease. Cf affects the internal organs, particularly the lungs and digestive system, clogging them wiht sticky mucous. This makes it hard for them to breathe and digest food. There is currently no cure for CF but the CF Trust funds reseacrh to find effective treatment through gene therapy. Effective forms of treatment have ben found menaing that a person with CF has a much better life expectancy than years previous. So now you have had your lecture... i hope you are still with me!!!! I do not want to be one of those who sits back and SAYS they support the CF trust, i want to be one of those who actually does!!!! HOW you ask? by doing everything i can; attending charity events people are holding, raisng awareness and also raising moeny myself. I have lots of dates in my diary; several charity balls, a charity tattoo day (!!!) and a sponsored leap frog!!! i also plan myself to run the Bath Half marathon (yes me running!!!) and hopefully the london 10K. i have set myself the personal challenge of over several years to try and do a challenge event in each category (run,swim, cycle, walk etc..).  So now the fun begins!!!!