welcome to my blog.. i hope you enjoy reading!!!!!!!

Friday 9 September 2011


well well.. i have finally decided to set up a blog! i am new to this so please be patient and keep a watch out for further posts. This blog i hope will chart and help you all see what i and many others are doing to help win the fight against Cystic Fibrosis. As stated my littlest nephew daniel has CF, diagnosed when he was just under four weeks old. CF is the UK's most common life-threatening inherited disease. That right 'Life- threatening'! Each week five babies are born with Cf and two young lives are lost to this disease. Cf affects the internal organs, particularly the lungs and digestive system, clogging them wiht sticky mucous. This makes it hard for them to breathe and digest food. There is currently no cure for CF but the CF Trust funds reseacrh to find effective treatment through gene therapy. Effective forms of treatment have ben found menaing that a person with CF has a much better life expectancy than years previous. So now you have had your lecture... i hope you are still with me!!!! I do not want to be one of those who sits back and SAYS they support the CF trust, i want to be one of those who actually does!!!! HOW you ask? by doing everything i can; attending charity events people are holding, raisng awareness and also raising moeny myself. I have lots of dates in my diary; several charity balls, a charity tattoo day (!!!) and a sponsored leap frog!!! i also plan myself to run the Bath Half marathon (yes me running!!!) and hopefully the london 10K. i have set myself the personal challenge of over several years to try and do a challenge event in each category (run,swim, cycle, walk etc..).  So now the fun begins!!!!

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