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Monday 31 October 2011

Barnes Boys charity Ball!!!!

well its another blog about another ball!!!!! hoorah i hear you say!!!! The Barnes Boys charity Ball was held by a lovely lady called Lorraine Barnes who two sons Dan and Joe have CF. Lorraine has done a lot of fundraising since the boys were diagnosed with CF so it was a privelege to go to the ball so to speak!!!!

I actually arrived early to help Lorraine in setting up and could not believe my eyes at the amount of work that had gone in! The wonderful array of raffle and auction prizes, 90% or so was gained from tweets/ twittering!!!!

The night began with a drinks reception, during which you could choose to have your photo taken by a professional photographer who was giving £5 from the sale of each photo to CF. Poor man had to put up with my sister and I who btoh thought the first photos taken make us look fat so asked for them to be taken again!!! He did say that the record for re-takes was 5 times!!! After drinks and photos it was time to sit down to a delicious 3 course dinner (am liking these dinners at these balls!). In between the main course and the dessert was another game of heads and tails but sadly i failed miserably!

There was a video of a families experiences of CF followed by thank you speeches, auction and raffle... Sadly i did not win at the raffle either!!! i have not had much luck at these things!!! but i did bag myself a beautiful painting that will take pride of place in my bedroom.... The night carried on into the early hours with music from Samantha Fox and The Stormbreakers.

My date for this ball - my sister!!!! Quite an achievement to get her into a dress, the first time she has worn one for about seven ish years!!! Now for the photos!! Enjoy!!!!

Lorraine's son Joe was the artist, selling his drawings/ art work!!!!


My sister in a dress!!!

Joe also went round with the stickers!!!!

I managed to get the painting on the left.. simply beautiful!!!

Sam Fox!!!

The Stormbreakers!!!

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