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Sunday 30 October 2011

Tiaras and Tashes Ball!!!!!

now just to warn you... this is the first of several 'charity ball' related blog posts!!!!

The first I went to was one held in Taunton called, as the title says, Tiaras and Tashes ball!!! As the title suggests, you should choose to wear a tiara or a tash, and as people demonstrated on the night, it was not gender specific!!!!! although many ladies did wear tiaras and the men comedy tashes, the two were combined in some cases!

The evening started with a drinks reception, A delicious 3 course dinner was served, with a game of heads and tails between courses!!! a difficult game to explain, its best to see it in action!!! There was also an inspiring speech by a young lady who has CF but very much does not let it stop her doing anything or travelling anywhere!!!!!!!! wow! the evening moved along with an auction, tombola, raffle and for the more daring a casino!!! a silent auction was also being held during everything. The night was finished with a great band who had everyone up dancing, some dancers putting us to shame!!! On our table we had an 80 year old woman who was still cattle farming and a couple whose jive dancing put us to a shame tremendously!!!!

The best bit of the night.... a fantastic £8000 + was raised for the CF Trust!!!! yay!!! To accompany me to this ball i manged to drag along my housemate and friend Fay!!! Enjoy the photos!!!!

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