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Sunday 30 October 2011

The Big Breath Charity Ball!!!

The next ball was the Big Breath Charity Ball!!! This event was organised by a lovely lady called Josie Monaghan who has CF. A year ago to the date of the ball she received the great gift of a double lung transplant and her way of saying thank you and raising awareness was to organise the ball. Yes, whilst recovering from a double lung transplant she organised a charity ball for 300 people!!!!! a truly inspirational person!!! And what a fantatsic night we had!!!

A simple supper was followed by two comedians, one of whom was a free style rapper! Something i have never seen before was but was really amazing! A DJ kept everyone entertained between entertainment, a band followed but to fully relax and enjoy a team of masseurs were on standby to provide some deep shoulder and neck massages - heaven!!!!

There was an auction, raffle and even cupcakes for sale although sadly we were not quick enough for the chocolate ones!!!! Josie herself gave a tear jerking speech thanking everyone and most importantly thanking the donor and their family.

No final figures yet but money was to be split between the CF Trust and another charity called Live Life Then GIve Life, supporting organ donation.

My companion for the evening was one of my best friends Aly!!!

Sue, another lovely lady who a year ago also had a double lung transplant!!!!

Myself and the inspirational Josie!!!

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